Jeremiah can appraise his own rare item find.Alex's abilities Qualified Buyer and Rare Find do not work correctly.Also, despite being only obtainable through a Task, Jeremiah can be bought like any other expert when you are haggling with an item.Jeremiah's rare find ablity does not work correctly.Jeremiah can apparaise and find a qualified buyer for any item in the shop.Large rug), it cannot be placed onto the rug until youcan place it onto the floor first). If you try to move an item onto a rug (esp.The pawn shop sign does not decrease customer arrival time by 5% as advertised.

The Encyclopedia Set excludes the Collection items except for the Pirate Collection, since customers can walk in with it.When you get the item, it won't show up on your inventory unless you buy, sell, or decline another item. Obtaining items from any Improvement that gives out stuff is bugged.Closing the catalog will bring it down to the original limit, though. Your customer limit will go up by one, and if you wait long enough, you'll get 1 extra customer to haggle with. Open an improvement that increases max customers, and place it in your store, but don't buy it. A similar glitch can be done with any improvement that increases the max customer limit.If you are at the screen where you can buy a counter, the time left until the next bonus will reset to 8 hours again.However, the asking price is now different and it could be lower or higher than the previous asking price. If you lose a connection right after purchasing an item from a customer, upon reconnect, you will see the same customer in queue with the same item.Sometimes, a customer might change patience and face for a brief moment.When attempting to enter the back room, a message is displayed, saying "There was a problem with the server". In the Ottoman Collection, you can complete the collection with only one of the Ottoman Empire Flintlock Pistols.When the red window appears to add an item to the collection, there is no item in the box where it would go.